0736                              0737 (Saturday)                              0741




  同来献上作神食物, 如此展览基督。
  前来展览基督, 前来展览基督;
  共同带来祂的丰富, 前来展览基督。
今日经节及注解  林前十六1~24








早期召会的人除了呼求主名之外,也常常讲说主耶稣。他们彼此对说,也向不信的人讲说这位主。他们的说话乃是新约所强调的那种申言。相信基督的人不必像旧约 的申言者那样,等候耶和华的灵降临在他们身上来申言。从我们头一次呼求主名的时候起,基督这位活的灵就在我们的灵里了。因这缘故,保罗能够说,“与主联合的,便是与主成为一灵。林前六17。)何等奇妙,那灵竟与我们的灵调和!不仅如此,这灵也是服从我们的。(十四32。)因着我们的灵服从我们,我们就不再需要等候那灵降临在我们身上。反之,我们只需要操练我们的灵。在召会生活的起头,基督徒的确操练他们的灵彼此对说,也为着主对不信的人讲说

每当我们在召会的聚会中聚在一起,就该展览我们每日所享受的主。在展览会中,人们展示并陈列他们所拥有或生产的东西。我们只能展览我们所有的,不能展览我 们所没有的。正确的基督徒聚会,该是我们基督徒生活的展览,该是我们在日常生活行事中所经历之基督丰富的展示。倘若我们天天都操练灵来接触主,那么在召会 的聚会中,我们就会有一些出于基督的东西,与众圣徒分享

我有充分的确信,主要恢复我们每天与祂自己有亲密的接触,并且凭祂而活。在这一点上,我尤其盼望主得着青年人,因为他们受传统的影响较少。让我们都起来弃 绝传统的基督教。我们若弃绝宗教的传统,只在意活的基督,我们就会有正确的灵,就是能力、爱、并清明自守的灵。然后我们在聚会中,就会涌出那灵来。我们越 说主,就越有可说的。(哥林多前书生命读经,六八三至六八四、六九一页。)


    1 什么是召会聚会中最主要的事?参读 林前十四14

    2 我们该如何为召会聚会预备?参读林前十四26注1第一段

    3我们都能申言么?参读 林前十四3126注1





One Man Speaking or All Prophesying?

Let's Pray:

Lord, open the secrets of Your Word so that we may learn how to prophesy that the churches may be built up. We desire to see the defeat of the enemy. even crush him under our feet.


Whene'er we meet with Christ endured, T

he surplus of His plentitude

We offer unto God as food,

And thus exhibit Christ.

Let us exhibit Christ,

Let us exhibit Christ;

We'll bring His surplus to the church

And thus exhibit Christ.

Today's Verses and Footnotes:     1 Cor 16:1-24
Key Verses:

1 Cor 14:26




1 Cor 14:31


What then, brothers? Whenever you come together, each one has a psalm, has a teaching, has a revelation, has a tongue, has an interpretation. Let all things be done for building up.

For you can all prophesy one by one that all may learn and all may be encouraged.

Life Supply:  
In addition to calling on the name of the Lord, those in the early church did a great deal of speaking about the Lord Jesus. They spoke about Him to one another and to the unbelievers. Their speaking was a way of prophesying, the kind of prophesying emphasized in the New Testament. Unlike the prophets in the Old Testament, those who believe in Christ do not need to wait for the Spirit of the Lord to come upon them in order to prophesy. From the time we first called on the name of the Lord, Christ as the living Spirit has been in our spirit. For this reason, Paul could say, “He who is joined to the Lord is one spirit” (6:17). How marvelous that the Spirit is mingled with our spirit! Furthermore, this spirit is subject to us (14:32). Because our spirit is subject to us, there is no longer the need to wait for the Spirit to come upon us. Instead, we simply need to exercise our spirit. Surely the Christians in the beginning of the church life exercised their spirit to speak to one another and to unbelievers on behalf of the Lord.

Whenever we gather together in the meetings of the church, we should exhibit what we daily enjoy of the Lord. In an exhibition people manifest or display something they have or have produced. It is possible to exhibit only what we have, not what we do not have. The proper Christian meeting should be an exhibition of our Christian life. It should be a display of the riches of Christ we experience in our daily walk. If we exercise our spirit to contact the Lord daily, then in the church meetings we shall have something of Christ to share with the saints.

I have the full assurance that the Lord intends to recover our intimate daily contact with Himself and our living by Him. In particular, I expect the Lord to gain the young people in this regard because they are less under the influence of tradition. Let us all rise up to repudiate traditional Christianity. If we repudiate the religious traditions and care only for the living Christ, we shall have a proper spirit, a spirit of power, love, and a sober mind. Then in the meetings we shall bubble over with the Spirit. The more we speak of the Lord, the more we shall have to say. (Life-Study of 1 Corinthians, pp.576-577, 582)


    1.       What is the most important matter in the church meeting? (See 1 Cor 14:1 note 3)

    2.       How should we prepare for the church meeting? (See 1 Cor 14:26 note 1)

    3.       Can we all prophesy? (See 1 Cor 14:31 note 1)


Tomorrow: He Comforts Us in All Our Affliction

Recommended Website: Life-Study of the Bible Podcast


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