0846                              0847 (Saturday)                   0851




  为得奖赏,别无旁顾, 一直跑向基督。
  向前跑,向前跑, 向前跑!阿利路亚,
  要得奖赏向前跑, 一直跑!为要得着基督。
今日经节及注解  腓三7~16

我 们以认识基督为至宝以后,就愿意亏损万事,看作粪土,为要赢得基督,并且给人看出我们是在祂里面。结果,我们会在经历上认识基督。所以,[腓立比三章]九 节来自八节,十节来自九节。我们若不以认识基督为至宝,(8,)就不会给人看出我们是在基督里面,(9,)因为以认识基督为至宝,使我们愿意亏损万事,看 作粪土,为要赢得基督,并且给人看出我们是在祂里面。然后,一旦我们赢得了基督,并且给人看出我们是在祂里面,我们就会认识祂;(10;)就是会享受祂并 经历祂。

赢得基督是一回事,经历祂是另一回事。我们可用购买食品杂货与吃买来且豫备好的食物之间的不同,来说明这个差别。赢得基督可比喻为购买食品杂货,经历基督 可比喻为吃先前买来且煮好的食物。然而,我们购买食品杂货以前,必须先以认识食品杂货为宝贵。我们购买任何东西以前,首先以认识那样东西为宝贵而受到吸 引。因此,首先我们以认识食品杂货为宝贵,然后我们买下来,得着那些东西,最终我们借着吃而享受食物。同样,保罗首先以认识基督为至宝,然后他付代价赢得 基督,并且给人看出他是在祂里面,最终他经历基督并享受祂。保罗领悟,赢得基督并且给人看出他是在祂里面,结果总是认识祂,享受并经历祂。

你也许认识基督是喜乐、平安和安息。你得救以前没有平安,但如今你既接受了主,就有平安和喜乐。我绝不贬低对基督这些方面的认识。我的确享受主耶稣作我的 平安、安息和喜乐。然而,我们不该满意于对基督这样有限的认识,乃该在对祂的认识上往前。哦,我们何等需要以认识基督为至宝!(腓立比书生命读经,二○四 至二○六页。)


    1、 保罗如何认识至宝的基督?参读 腓三8注3

    2、 我们如何认识基督并祂复活的大能?参读 腓三10注1注2

    3、 什么是祷读主话?参读 弗六17注5,注6,18注1,注2






Pursuing Christ

Let's Pray:

Lord, thank You for Your revelation and for Your move. We praise You that You have shown us Your economy, with Christ as the centrality and the universality. Oh, what a Christ we have!


Press on, press on toward the goal-
        The all-inclusive Christ.
To gain the prize of God's high call,
        Press on, press on to Christ!

          Pressing on! Pressing on!
        Pressing on! Hallelujah for the prize
        We're pressing on! On and on!
        To gain the Christ of God!

Today's Verses and Footnotes:     Phil. 3:7-16
Key Verse:
Phil. 3:7
But what things were gains to me, these I have counted as loss on account of Christ.
Phil. 3:8 But moreover I also count all things to be loss on account of the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord, on account of whom I have suffered the loss of all things and count them as refuse that I may gain Christ
Life Supply:  
After we receive the excellency of the knowledge of Christ, we shall be willing to suffer the loss of all things and count them refuse in order to gain Christ and be found in Him. As a result, we shall know Christ experientially. Therefore, verse 9 comes out of verse 8, and verse 10 comes out of verse 9. If we do not have the excellency of the knowledge of Christ (v. 8), we shall not be found in Christ, for it is having the excellency of the knowledge of Christ which makes us willing to suffer the loss of all things and count them as refuse in order to gain Christ and be found in Him. Then, once we have gained Christ and are found in Him, we shall know Him; that is, we shall enjoy Him and experience Him.

To gain Christ is one thing, and to experience Him is another. We may illustrate this difference by the difference between buying groceries and eating food which has been purchased and prepared. Gaining Christ may be compared to buying groceries, and the experience of Christ may be compared to the eating of the food we have first purchased and cooked. However, before we buy any groceries, we must first have the excellency of the knowledge of groceries. Before we purchase anything, we are first attracted by the excellency of the knowledge of that thing. Thus, first we have the excellency of the knowledge of the groceries, then we gain them by buying them, and finally we enjoy the food by eating it. In like manner, Paul first received the excellency of the knowledge of Christ, then he paid the price to gain Christ and be found in Him, and finally he experienced Christ and enjoyed Him. Paul realized that to gain Christ and be found in Him always results in knowing Him, in enjoying and experiencing Him.

You may know that Christ is joy, peace, and rest. Before you were saved, you did not have the peace. But now that you have received the Lord, you have peace and joy. By no means do I belittle these aspects of the knowledge of Christ. I certainly enjoy the Lord Jesus as my peace, rest, and joy. Nevertheless, we should not be content with such a limited knowledge of Christ, but should advance in our knowledge of Him. Oh, how we need the excellency of knowing Christ! (Life-Study of Philippians, pp. 172-173)


    1.       How did Paul come to know the excellency of Christ? (See Phil. 3:8 note 3)

    2.       How do we know Christ and the power of His resurrection? (See Phil. 3:10 note 1, note 2)

    3.       What is "pray-reading the word"? (See Eph. 6:17-18)


Tomorrow: In Nothing Be Anxious

Recommended Website: Living Stream Ministry


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