1126                           1127 (Saturday)                           1131




  没有一个重担、没有一点为难,  祂是不顾,让我们苦痛;  
  所有伤心损失、所有厌弃羞耻 都成祝福,若信而顺从。  
  信而顺从! 因为除此以外,  
  不能得主的喜爱- 惟有信而顺从!
今日经节及注解:  彼前514










我们不该因为我们是基督徒必须受苦而灰心。这些苦难是积极的,也是非常宝贵的。经历基督的苦难是何等的特权!保罗甚至能说,他为基督的身体,就是为召会,补满基督患难的缺欠。(西一24。) 他在腓立比三章十节也说到同基督受苦的交通。今天我们该是基督徒,是跟随基督,遭遇基督苦难的人。我们不但需要有分于基督的丰富,也需要有分于基督的苦 难。我们若接受这个观点,每当我们为基督受苦的时候,就会得鼓励。我们甚至可能欢迎这种苦难。不错,我们可能面临火炼的试验,但这些乃是基督的苦难,我们 是有特权来有分于基督的苦难。


我们越受苦,越受逼迫,就越有荣耀在我们身上。这真是祝福。我能见证,我越受逼迫,人越说我的坏话,我就越得着加力。逼迫和辱骂没有把我压倒,反而使我高 昂。所以,我们在基督的名里受辱骂时应当欢乐,因为荣耀的灵安息在我们身上。(彼得前书生命读经,二九八至三○二页。)


   1 基督徒的生活为何有苦难?参读 彼前一6~7,6注2

   2 请说明“因着对神的感觉而受冤屈之苦就是甜美的”。参读 彼前


   3 为何在基督的名里受辱骂便是有福的?参读 彼前四14注1注2





Why Are There Sufferings?

Let's Pray:
Lord, we need Your clear sky. We need to see something that is deep within You.  We desire to touch Yourself as the life-giving Spirit, as the transforming Spirit in us.

    Not a burden we bear,
    Not a shadow we share,
But our toil He doth richly repay;
    Not grief or a loss,
    Not a frown or a cross,
But is blest if we trust and obey.

        Trust and obey,
        For there's no other way
        To be happy in Jesus,
        But to trust and obey.

Today's Verses and Footnotes:     1 Pet. 5:5-14
Key Verses:
1 Pet. 2:19
For this is grace, if anyone, because of a consciousness of God, bears sorrows by suffering unjustly.
1 Pet. 2:21
For to this you were called, because Christ also suffered on your behalf, leaving you a model so that you may follow in His steps;
1 Pet. 4:14
If you are reproached in the name of Christ, you are blessed, because the Spirit of glory and of God rests upon you.
Life Supply:  
Christ lived a life of suffering, a suffering life. Now we are His partners living the same kind of life. According to the book of Hebrews, we are not only partakers of Christ but are also His partners (Heb. 3:14). We cooperate with Him in living a life of suffering. We follow Him along the way of suffering. This means that what Christ suffered, we also suffer. Therefore, when we suffer for Christ in this way, our sufferings are counted by God as the sufferings of Christ.

We should not be discouraged because we must suffer as Christians. These sufferings are positive and very precious. What a privilege it is to experience the sufferings of Christ! Paul could even say that he made up what was lacking of the sufferings of Christ for the sake of His Body, the church (Col. 1:24). He also speaks in Philippians 3:10 concerning the fellowship of Christ’s sufferings. Today we should be Christians, followers of Christ, who undergo the sufferings of Christ. We need to participate not only in the riches of Christ, but also in the sufferings of Christ. If we take this point of view, we shall be encouraged whenever we suffer for Christ. We may even welcome this kind of suffering. Yes, we may face fiery ordeals, but these are the sufferings of Christ in which we have the privilege to participate.

The reason the persecutions we suffer are the sufferings of Christ is that we suffer in the name of Christ. According to Peter’s word in verse 14, we are blessed if we are reproached in the name of Christ. Do not think that it is a curse to be reproached in the name of Christ. This is to be blessed. However, it may be a curse if people appreciate us too highly. Regarding this matter, we need to have a change of concept.

The more we suffer and are persecuted, the more glory there will be upon us. This is truly a blessing. I can testify that the more I am persecuted and evil spoken of, the more I am empowered. Persecution and reproach does not hold me down. On the contrary, it lifts me up. Therefore, we should rejoice when we are reproached in the name of Christ, because the Spirit of glory is resting upon us. (Life-Study of 1 Peter, Msg. 28)

    1.       Why do believers suffer? (See 1 Pet. 1:6-7, 6 note 2)

    2.      Please expound "For this is grace, if anyone, because of a consciousness of God, bears sorrows by suffering unjustly." (See 1 Pet. 2:19 note 2

    3.       Why is it if you are reproached in the name of Christ, you are blessed? (See 1 Pet. 4:14 note 1 and note 2)


Tomorrow: You Might Become Partakers of the Divine Nature

Recommended Website: Life-Study of the Bible Podcast


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