1216                              1217 (Saturday)                              1221

The Local Churches

Let's Pray:
O Lord, the church needs a revival, and we all need a new start. Even tonight give us a new start with our fellowship. We desire that all the conversations will be altogether new.

To Jerusalem we've come,
We are through with Babylon,
We have gathered to be one,
      O glory be to God!
Of the teachings we're bereft,
All opinions we have left,
Spirit from the soul is cleft,
      In the local churches now.
      Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
      We are all in one accord
      For the building of the Lord,
      Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
      We are living in the local churches now!

Today's Verses and Footnotes:     Rev. 2:18-29
Key Verses:
Rev. 1:11
Saying, What you see write in a scroll and send it to the seven churches: to Ephesus and to Smyrna and to Pergamos and to Thyatira and to Sardis and to Philadelphia and to Laodicea.
Rev. 1:20
The mystery of the seven stars which you saw upon My right hand and the seven golden lampstands: The seven stars are the messengers of the seven churches, and the seven lampstands are the seven churches.
Life Supply:  
The church as the Body of Christ (1 Cor. 12:12-13) is universally one (Eph. 1:22-23; 4:4-6). Christ as the unique Head has one unique Body which is constituted with all His genuine believers.

The universal church as the Body of Christ is expressed through the local churches. The local churches, as the expressions of the one Body of Christ (Rev. 1:12, 20), are locally one (Acts 8:1; 13:1; Rom. 16:1; 1 Cor. 1:2).

In 1:11 the voice said to John, “What you see write in a book and send it to the seven churches: to Ephesus, and to Smyrna, and to Pergamos, and to Thyatira, and to Sardis, and to Philadelphia, and to Laodicea.” This verse is composed in a very important way. In this verse we see that the sending of this book “to the seven churches” equals the sending of it to the seven cities. This shows clearly that the practice of the church life in the early days was that of one church for one city, one city with one church. In no city was there more than one church. This is the local church, local city-wise, not street-wise or area-wise. The jurisdiction of a local church should cover the whole city in which the church is; it should not be greater or lesser than the boundary of the city. All the believers within that boundary should constitute the one unique local church within that city. Hence, one church equals one city, and one city equals one church. This is what we call the local churches.

Before we came into the local churches, we were wanderers. We never had the sense that we had come home or that we had reached our destination. But the day we came into the local churches, we realized that we had come home. After wandering for years, we knew that we had finally reached our destination. When we first came into the local church life, something deep within said, “This is the place,” and we knew that we were home. Because we have arrived at our destination, we do not need to travel anymore. So many seeking Christians today are travelers; they travel from one denomination or group to another. But the day we came into the church life, our wanderings ceased. (Life-Study of Revelation, pp, 78-79, 83)

    1.       Please expound the truth of one city, one church. (See Rev. 1:11 note 1)

    2.      Why are the churches signified by the golden lampstands? (See Rev. 1:20 note 1 paragraph 2

    3.       Why do we need to turn? (See Rev. 1:12 note 1)


Tomorrow: He Who Overcomes, I Shall by no Means Erase
His Name out of the Book of Life

Recommended Website: The Holy Bible Recovery Version


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  聚集在耶路撒冷, 完全脱离巴比伦,
  我们作合一见证, 哦,愿荣耀归给神!
  摒弃各样的教训, 放下一切的异议,
  竭力保守灵合一, 在众地方召会里。
  我们都同心合意, 建造基督的身体。
  阿利路亚! 阿利路亚!
今日经节及注解:  启二1829












在[启示录]一章十一节,有声音对约翰说,“你所看见的,当写在书上,寄给那七个召会:给以弗所、给士每拿、给别迦摩、给推雅推喇、给撒狄、给非拉铁非、 给老底嘉。”这节圣经的写法非常重要,给我们看到将本书寄给那七个召会,等于寄给那七城。这清楚显示,早期召会生活的实行,乃是一个城一个召会,一个城只 有一个召会。没有一个城有一个以上的召会。这就是地方召会,是以城为单位,不是以街道或区域为单位。地方召会行政的区域,应当包括该召会所在的整个城市, 不该大于或小于该城的界限。所有在这界限内的信徒,应当构成该城内惟一的地方召会。因此,一个召会等于一个城市,一个城市也等于一个召会。这就是我们所说 的地方召会。

我们来到地方召会之前,乃是流荡者,从来没有回家或是到达目的地的感觉。但自从我们来到地方召会的那一天,我们知道我们回家了。流荡了多年之后,我们知道 终于到达了目的地。当我们第一次进到地方召会生活的时候,我们的深处似乎说,“就是这里,”我们就知道我们回家了。因为我们已经到达目的地,所以不必再游 历了。今天许多有心寻求的基督徒,如同奔路的旅客,从一个宗派团体奔到另一个宗派团体。但有一天我们来到召会生活中,我们的流荡就止息了。(启示录生命读 经,九二至九三、九八页。)


   1 请说明一城一会的真理?参读 启一11注2。)

   2 为何众召会以金灯台为表征?参读 启一1120注1第二段

   3为什么需要转过身来?参读 启一12注1




The Church in Raleigh <http://www.churchinraleigh.org>