The church in Raleigh
warmly welcomes you
We are believers in the Lord Jesus Christ who have personally received Him as our Savior.
Colossians 1:18
And He is the Head of the Body, the church; He is the beginning,
the Firstborn from the dead, that He Himself might have
the first place in all things.
Who We Are

We are believers in the Lord Jesus Christ who have personally received Him as our Savior. He is the most excellent and enjoyable Person. We love Him and endeavor to give Him the first place in all things. We rejoice to be cleansed by the blood of Jesus, God’s Son, born again of the Father’s divine life, and filled with the Holy Spirit.
What We Believe
We highly treasure the Holy Bible as God’s revelation of Himself and of His eternal purpose. We hold the common faith which is revealed in the Bible and is common to all genuine believers.

The Greatest Truth in the Universe
"Christ is the Son of God who died for the redemption of sinners and resurrected after three days. This is the greatest truth in the universe.”
—Watchman Nee
Watch this short video to learn how you can personally experience the greatest truth in the universe.
Copyright 2024
Bibles for America